TFA Season 4, Episode 8: Wrestling with Resolve

We all face battles in our lives, especially Deezus and Charge. Skeptical family members, ladder-wielding chefs, homelessness, Wes Daddy, body fat, refined sugar, Johnny Turbo, gimmick imposters, dildo wielding maniacs, and biker lawyers. After years of wrestling in back yards, sleeping in parks, and roaming the streets for cash, Deezus and Charge continuously find themselves battling with the greatest struggle of all: real life.

Season 4, Episode 8: Wrestling With Resolve

Original Air Date: May 11, 2018

Lord Deezus                                  Darin Roberts
Justin Charge                                Justin Thorne
Brittany                                          Brittany Grabowski
Will                                                William Grabowski
Chef                                              Frank Pinkham
Wes Daddy                                   Wesley Wise
Ref Martin                                     Martin Shaouni
Johnny Turbo                                John Thorne
Fake Deezus                                 Paul Desilets
Fake Charge                                 Travis Cates
One Eyed Movie Director              Drew Fry
Camera Man                                 Derek Berggren
Biker at Law                                  Rob Grieser

Untiltled Ladder Match Theme         Artist Unknown
Double Dare Theme                        Edd Kalehoff
Untitled Season Recap Theme        Artist Unknown
Breathe                                            The Prodigy
Born to Raise Hell                            Motorhead
Lost Cause                                       Black Pistol Fire

Complete Episode Guide at

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