
Here is a complete list of workout videos I’ve produced. If you have any specific questions, comments, or suggestions, please contact me! Thanks for visiting…you’ve made a wise choice!


Active Recovery


Fitness Assessments


Weight Lifting

There are three things I wish someone had told me when I first started working out.

1) “Exercise” less. Work toward a fitness goal more. 2) Stop doing so much cardio. 3) Lift more weights. If you’re looking to make an IMMEDIATE impact on your health, you can start by improving just ONE of these areas of your life:
  1. Drink more water, especially when you first wake up
  2. Improve your sleep at all costs. Go to bed one hour earlier, etc.
  3. Eat less processed food
  4. Go for more walks, take the stairs
  5. Read a book or listen to an inspiring podcast
  6. Add a serving of green vegetables via salads or smoothies
  7. Have some fresh fruit instead of dessert or other snacks
If you’re not already doing these things, start there. Pick one that you think might be the easiest to handle, and go from there. If you’ve already got the basics down, then it’s time to get to work. When you’re doing all the fundamentals right, exercise becomes the fun part of being healthy. When you feel good and are ready to push your limits, there’s nothing more satisfying or electrifying than a good workout. I’m living proof that you can come from being completely out of shape and unhealthy to achieving your best body ever. Whether you’re just a beginner like I was back in 2009, or pushing to making gains like I am in 2019, there’s something on this page that can help you out. If you’re an able-bodied human with a goal for fitness, weight lifting is simply the best bang for your buck when it comes to fitness, so let’s start there.

Why Lifting Weights Is the Best Exercise for You

Resistance training is the most effective way to lose body fat, build muscle, and achieve that healthy physique most of us desire. This is a 5-day per week lifting program you can follow whether you’re a beginner or intermediate weight lifter. Just make sure you start with light enough weight to allow for proper form while challenging yourself. Search for videos online to see how to properly perform the movements. If you only have 2, 3 or 4 days per week to exercise, that’s fine, just combine some of the exercises and make sure you’re hitting those big movements: Squat, Deadlift, Bench Press, and Overhead Shoulder Press. I follow the 5-day because I love it. The key is to track your performance workout to workout and see progress over time. If you’re getting consistently stronger with good form, that means your diet, training, and rest are pretty much on point.

Think you don’t have time for exercise? WRONG.

When you make time for exercise, you actually create more time for yourself by enabling your body and mind to perform at its best. A lifestyle centered around physical movement should be a non-negotiable element of every human’s life. If it’s not for you currently, it’s time to wise up!

My 5-Day Lifting Program (Beginner/Intermediate)

This routine focuses on compound weight lifting in the 4-6 rep range. The 8-10 or 10-12 rep ranges are also effective. The key is to train with enough intensity to force muscle breakdown in order to promote strength gain. Every workout, I record each rep and try to beat my previous performance. The goal is more weight on the bar or more reps with the same weight. By consistently making progress and properly fueling yourself, you will continue to improve body composition and strength. I love these heavy lifting workouts so much because in a way they’re actually pretty laid back. Push yourself as hard as you can for each set, then take 2-3 mins to rest in between. During that time, I’ll read, write, do some homework, some core exercises, or listen to a podcast. Working out is never a chore when you’re doing something that motivates you and makes you feel great. Here is how the week looks: Monday: Chest Tuesday: Back Wednesday: Shoulders Thursday: Legs Friday: Chest/Arms Saturday: HIIT, Abs, Active Recovery, Walking, Bicycling, Foam Rolling, etc. Sunday: Rest, Walking, Biking, Stretching, Active Recovery

Monday – Chest SEE VIDEO HERE

Monday is one of my favorite days: Chest. The perfect routine to get you in the workout groove, especially if you were naughty over the weekend! Get your butt in gear today because the hardest workouts of the week are yet to come. Here are the recommended rep schemes and the weights/reps I performed during the filming of this video. You will need to start with much less weight if you’re a beginner!! Note: Substitute exercises on those for which you don’t have equipment or based on your personal preference. If you need suggestions, please contact me! Warm-Up: Incline Dumbbell Chest Press 40lbs    1 x 12 Reps 40lbs    1 x 10 Reps 60lbs     1 x 4 Reps 70lbs     1 x 1 Rep Working Sets Incline Dumbbell Chest Press (3 Sets x 4-6 Reps)        80lb – 6,6,7 Flat Barbell Bench Press (3 Sets x 4-6 Reps)               210lb – 7,5,5 Flat Dumbbell Bench Press (3 Sets x 4-6 Reps)            85lb – 5,5,5 Face Pulls (3 Sets x 8-10 Reps)                                     65lb – 12,11,10 Ab Rope Pull Downs (3 Sets x 8-10 Reps)                     95lb – 12,11,10 My Favorite Alternate Chest Exercises Push-Up (Weighted, if possible) Bodyweight Dips Standing Cable Flys Dumbbell Pull-Over

Tuesday – Back SEE VIDEO HERE

Deadlifts are one of the very best exercises you can do. They work your entire body. It’s a very technical move so get some practice with lighter weight before you start lifting heavy. When you do a heavy deadlift with proper form and really push yourself, it’s one of the best exercise highs you’ll ever have! Warm-Up: Barbell Deadlift 185lbs   1 x 12 Reps 185lbs    1 x 10 Reps 275lbs     1 x 4 Reps 345lbs     1 x 1 Rep Barbell Deadlift (3 Sets x 4-6 Reps)                                               370lb – 5,5,4 One Arm Row (3 Sets x 4-6 Reps)                                                 125lb – 6,6,6 Lateral Pull-Down (3 Sets x 4-6 Reps)                                          180lb – 7,6,6 Seated Cable Row (3 Sets x 4-6 Reps) Optional                          65lb – 5,6,5 Leg Press Calf Raises (3 Sets x 10-12 Reps)                                195lb – 25,20,19 Seated Calf Raises (3 Sets x 10-12 Reps)                                     285lb – 12,15,9 Barbell Shoulder Shrugs (2 Sets x 8-10 Reps) Optional           285lb – 12,15,9 My Favorite Alternate Back Exercises Pull-Up (Weighted, if possible) Rev-Grip Chin Ups Bent-Over Barbell Rows T-Bar Row or Chest Supported Row

Wednesday – Shoulders WATCH VIDEO

Warm-Up: Shoulder Press 75lbs     1 x 12 Reps 75lbs      1 x 10 Reps 115lbs    1 x 4 Reps 135lbs    1 x 1 Rep Barbell Shoulder Press (3 Sets x 4-6 Reps)                                     150lb – 5,4,4 Lateral Raise (3 Sets x 4-6 Reps)                                                     30lb – 9,7,7 Seated Rear Delt Raise (3 Sets x 4-6 Reps)                                    35lb – 7,7,7 Dumbbell Shoulder Press (3 Sets x 10-12 Reps) Optional             50lb – 6,5,5 Alternating Front Raise (3 Sets x 10-12 Reps) Optional                 35lb – 16,12,14 My Favorite Alternate Shoulder Exercises Upright Rows (Barbell or Cable) Dumbbell Arnold Press

Thursday – Legs WATCH VIDEO

Warm-Up: Barbell Squat 135lbs     1 x 12 Reps 135lbs      1 x 10 Reps 205lbs    1 x 4 Reps 245lbs    1 x 1 Rep Barbell Squat (3 Sets x 4-6 Reps)                                                    265lb – 5,5,5 Barbell Lunge (3 Sets x 4-6 Reps)                                                   155lb – 8,7,7 Front Squat  (3 Sets x 4-6 Reps)                                                       55lb –  6,7,8 Squat Rack Calf Raises (3 Sets x 10-12 Reps)                                295lb – 26,31,30 My Favorite Alternate Leg Exercises Dumbbell Lunges Spit Squats Hack Squat Leg Press Romanian Deadlift Goblet Squat

Friday – Chest & Arms WATCH VIDEO

Warm-Up: Incline Dumbbell Chest Press 35lbs    1 x 12 Reps 35lbs    1 x 10 Reps 45lbs     1 x 4 Reps 55lbs     1 x 1 Rep Incline Dumbbell Chest Press (3 Sets x 8-10 Reps)      65lb – 10,10,11 Alternating Dumbbell Curl (3 Sets x 4-6 Reps)               35lb – 10,9,8 Close Grip Bench Press (3 Sets x 4-6 Reps)                 185lb – 7,7,6 EZ Bar/Barbell Bicep Curl (3 Sets x 4-6 Reps)               66lb – 7,9,9 Skull Crusher (3 Sets x 4-6 Reps)                                  66lb – 7,7,7 My Favorite Alternate Accessory Exercises Hammer Curls Preacher Curls Zottman Curls Rev-Grip Chin Ups Bodyweight Dips Seated Overhead Dumbbell Extension Tricep Cable/Rope Press Downs Dumbbell Tricep Kickbacks Bench Dips

Saturday, Sunday, Any Other Day: HIIT, Abs, Active Recovery, Walking, Bicycling, Foam Rolling, etc.

When I’m not lifting weights, I’m moving my body all the time. Foam rolling in first thing in the morning, stretching, walk, bike riding, anything that keeps my blood flowing and energy up. Here are some videos to give you an idea: Foam Rolling Routine #1 WATCH VIDEO Foam Rolling Routine #2 WATCH VIDEO 15-min HIIT Kettlebell Routine: Breathing Fire WATCH VIDEO Extreme Kettlebell Cardio Series 5-Minute Ab Workout: The Ab Blaster

Not Ready to Lift Weights? Here are some alternatives:

Walking – One of the most simple forms of exercise, and one of the ones we were actually meant to do as humans. My favorite time to do it is in a fasted state first thing in the morning. Biking – Long rides with the wife or commuting to and from work (6 miles each way). Easy way to get the blood flowing and save some money on gas! Foam Rolling – Amazing way to improve flexibility, mobility, and enhance recovery. Myofascial release, self-massage. Invest in a foam roller if you don’t have one. You won’t regret it! Body Weight Exercise – You don’t have to spend an hour in the gym moving heavy weight in order to exercise. Squats, Push-Ups, Pull-Ups, Burpees, Jumping Jacks. The possibilities are endless. No matter where you are or what time it is, you can always stop what you’re doing and move your body. When I need a quick break or boost of energy, I’ll do a brief set of body weight movements in order to loosen up, stimulate blood flow, and burn some calories. It’s amazing how much better you feel after even just a couple minutes of movement. Abs – I usually do these first thing in the morning or on lunch breaks. Always outside in the sun if I can help it. There are several bodyweight routines I follow, including UFC Fit, P90X, and Keith Weber’s kettlebell abs. Never more than 10-20 minutes. Stretching – Same approach as abs. 10-20 minute routines, always separated from my weight lifting workouts. I love doing these while watching a show or listening to a podcast or audiobook. These are great post workout once your body is already warmed up. HIIT Cardio Workouts – One of the most effective forms of cardio. Essentially, it’s short bursts of all out intensity cardio followed by short rest periods. For example, 1 minute of stationary biking as fast as you can go, followed by one minute of rest, then repeat the cycle for the duration of the workout. Personally, I do 1-3 HIIT sessions per week depending on my goals. 20-30 minute HIIT routines are the perfect length for fitness. Here are my favorite methods of HIIT training:
  1. Kettle Bells – Highly functional, portable, and they will kick your butt! I love these because you can get a full body, intense workout done very quickly no matter where you are. I love doing these workouts outside in the sun or preferably on a beach (maybe some day).
  2. UFC Fit – Full-body intensity training is their motto. These workouts are really intense and utilize dumbbells for some moderate resistance. This is an excellent form of HIIT training.
  3. Stationary Biking – I do this at the gym, and usually perform a 1 minute on, 1 minute off routine for 20-30mins.
  4. Running – I love a good run, but just make sure you’re adequately warmed up. I pulled something doing my high intensity sprints once before and it turned me off of running for quite some time. Be careful!

If you want more, check out my fat loss articles and definitely watch my YouTube show/podcast!

Here’s a playlist of all the workout videos I currently have on YouTube. Any requests, please contact me!
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