Here is a complete list of workout videos I’ve produced. If you have any specific questions, comments, or suggestions, please contact me! Thanks for visiting…you’ve made a wise choice!
Active Recovery
Fitness Assessments
Weight Lifting
There are three things I wish someone had told me when I first started working out.
1) “Exercise” less. Work toward a fitness goal more.
2) Stop doing so much cardio.
3) Lift more weights.
If you’re looking to make an
IMMEDIATE impact on your health, you can start by improving just
ONE of these areas of your life:
- Drink more water, especially when you first wake up
- Improve your sleep at all costs. Go to bed one hour earlier, etc.
- Eat less processed food
- Go for more walks, take the stairs
- Read a book or listen to an inspiring podcast
- Add a serving of green vegetables via salads or smoothies
- Have some fresh fruit instead of dessert or other snacks
If you’re not already doing these things, start there. Pick one that you think might be the easiest to handle, and go from there.
If you’ve already got the basics down, then it’s time to get to work. When you’re doing all the fundamentals right, exercise becomes the fun part of being healthy. When you feel good and are ready to push your limits, there’s nothing more satisfying or electrifying than a good workout.

I’m living proof that you can come from being completely out of shape and unhealthy to achieving your best body ever. Whether you’re just a beginner like I was back in 2009, or pushing to making gains like I am in 2019, there’s something on this page that can help you out.
If you’re an able-bodied human with a goal for fitness, weight lifting is simply the best bang for your buck when it comes to fitness, so let’s start there.
Why Lifting Weights Is the Best Exercise for You
Resistance training is the most effective way to lose body fat, build muscle, and achieve that healthy physique most of us desire. This is a 5-day per week lifting program you can follow whether you’re a beginner or intermediate weight lifter. Just make sure you start with light enough weight to allow for proper form while challenging yourself. Search for videos online to see how to properly perform the movements. If you only have 2, 3 or 4 days per week to exercise, that’s fine, just combine some of the exercises and make sure you’re hitting those big movements: Squat, Deadlift, Bench Press, and Overhead Shoulder Press. I follow the 5-day because I love it. The key is to track your performance workout to workout and see progress over time. If you’re getting consistently stronger with good form, that means your diet, training, and rest are pretty much on point.
Think you don’t have time for exercise? WRONG.
When you
make time for exercise, you actually
create more time for yourself by enabling your body and mind to perform at its best. A lifestyle centered around physical movement should be a non-negotiable element of every human’s life. If it’s not for you currently, it’s time to wise up!
My 5-Day Lifting Program (Beginner/Intermediate)
This routine focuses on compound weight lifting in the 4-6 rep range. The 8-10 or 10-12 rep ranges are also effective. The key is to train with enough intensity to force muscle breakdown in order to promote strength gain. Every workout, I record each rep and try to beat my previous performance. The goal is more weight on the bar or more reps with the same weight. By consistently making progress and properly fueling yourself, you will continue to improve body composition and strength. I love these heavy lifting workouts so much because in a way they’re actually pretty laid back. Push yourself as hard as you can for each set, then take 2-3 mins to rest in between. During that time, I’ll read, write, do some homework, some core exercises, or listen to a podcast. Working out is never a chore when you’re doing something that motivates you and makes you feel great.
Here is how the week looks:
Monday: Chest
Tuesday: Back
Wednesday: Shoulders
Thursday: Legs
Friday: Chest/Arms
Saturday: HIIT, Abs, Active Recovery, Walking, Bicycling, Foam Rolling, etc.
Sunday: Rest, Walking, Biking, Stretching, Active Recovery
Monday is one of my favorite days: Chest. The perfect routine to get you in the workout groove, especially if you were naughty over the weekend! Get your butt in gear today because the hardest workouts of the week are yet to come. Here are the recommended rep schemes and the weights/reps I performed during the filming of this video. You will need to start with much less weight if you’re a beginner!!
Note: Substitute exercises on those for which you don’t have equipment or based on your personal preference. If you need suggestions, please
contact me!
Warm-Up: Incline Dumbbell Chest Press
40lbs 1 x 12 Reps
40lbs 1 x 10 Reps
60lbs 1 x 4 Reps
70lbs 1 x 1 Rep
Working Sets
Incline Dumbbell Chest Press (3 Sets x 4-6 Reps) 80lb – 6,6,7
Flat Barbell Bench Press (3 Sets x 4-6 Reps) 210lb – 7,5,5
Flat Dumbbell Bench Press (3 Sets x 4-6 Reps) 85lb – 5,5,5
Face Pulls (3 Sets x 8-10 Reps) 65lb – 12,11,10
Ab Rope Pull Downs (3 Sets x 8-10 Reps) 95lb – 12,11,10
My Favorite Alternate Chest Exercises
Push-Up (Weighted, if possible)
Bodyweight Dips
Standing Cable Flys
Dumbbell Pull-Over
Deadlifts are one of the very best exercises you can do. They work your entire body. It’s a very technical move so get some practice with lighter weight before you start lifting heavy. When you do a heavy deadlift with proper form and really push yourself, it’s one of the best exercise highs you’ll ever have!
Warm-Up: Barbell Deadlift
185lbs 1 x 12 Reps
185lbs 1 x 10 Reps
275lbs 1 x 4 Reps
345lbs 1 x 1 Rep
Barbell Deadlift (3 Sets x 4-6 Reps) 370lb – 5,5,4
One Arm Row (3 Sets x 4-6 Reps) 125lb – 6,6,6
Lateral Pull-Down (3 Sets x 4-6 Reps) 180lb – 7,6,6
Seated Cable Row (3 Sets x 4-6 Reps)
Optional 65lb – 5,6,5
Leg Press Calf Raises (3 Sets x 10-12 Reps) 195lb – 25,20,19
Seated Calf Raises (3 Sets x 10-12 Reps) 285lb – 12,15,9
Barbell Shoulder Shrugs (2 Sets x 8-10 Reps) Optional 285lb – 12,15,9
My Favorite Alternate Back Exercises
Pull-Up (Weighted, if possible)
Rev-Grip Chin Ups
Bent-Over Barbell Rows
T-Bar Row or Chest Supported Row
Warm-Up: Shoulder Press
75lbs 1 x 12 Reps
75lbs 1 x 10 Reps
115lbs 1 x 4 Reps
135lbs 1 x 1 Rep
Barbell Shoulder Press (3 Sets x 4-6 Reps) 150lb – 5,4,4
Lateral Raise (3 Sets x 4-6 Reps) 30lb – 9,7,7
Seated Rear Delt Raise (3 Sets x 4-6 Reps) 35lb – 7,7,7
Dumbbell Shoulder Press (3 Sets x 10-12 Reps)
Optional 50lb – 6,5,5
Alternating Front Raise (3 Sets x 10-12 Reps)
Optional 35lb – 16,12,14
My Favorite Alternate Shoulder Exercises
Upright Rows (Barbell or Cable)
Dumbbell Arnold Press
Warm-Up: Barbell Squat
135lbs 1 x 12 Reps
135lbs 1 x 10 Reps
205lbs 1 x 4 Reps
245lbs 1 x 1 Rep
Barbell Squat (3 Sets x 4-6 Reps) 265lb – 5,5,5
Barbell Lunge (3 Sets x 4-6 Reps) 155lb – 8,7,7
Front Squat (3 Sets x 4-6 Reps) 55lb – 6,7,8
Squat Rack Calf Raises (3 Sets x 10-12 Reps) 295lb – 26,31,30
My Favorite Alternate Leg Exercises
Dumbbell Lunges
Spit Squats
Hack Squat
Leg Press
Romanian Deadlift
Goblet Squat
Warm-Up: Incline Dumbbell Chest Press
35lbs 1 x 12 Reps
35lbs 1 x 10 Reps
45lbs 1 x 4 Reps
55lbs 1 x 1 Rep

Incline Dumbbell Chest Press (3 Sets x 8-10 Reps) 65lb – 10,10,11
Alternating Dumbbell Curl (3 Sets x 4-6 Reps) 35lb – 10,9,8
Close Grip Bench Press (3 Sets x 4-6 Reps) 185lb – 7,7,6
EZ Bar/Barbell Bicep Curl (3 Sets x 4-6 Reps) 66lb – 7,9,9
Skull Crusher (3 Sets x 4-6 Reps) 66lb – 7,7,7
My Favorite Alternate Accessory Exercises
Hammer Curls
Preacher Curls
Zottman Curls
Rev-Grip Chin Ups
Bodyweight Dips
Seated Overhead Dumbbell Extension
Tricep Cable/Rope Press Downs
Dumbbell Tricep Kickbacks
Bench Dips
Saturday, Sunday, Any Other Day: HIIT, Abs, Active Recovery, Walking, Bicycling, Foam Rolling, etc.
When I’m not lifting weights, I’m moving my body all the time. Foam rolling in first thing in the morning, stretching, walk, bike riding, anything that keeps my blood flowing and energy up. Here are some videos to give you an idea:
Foam Rolling Routine #1 WATCH VIDEO
Foam Rolling Routine #2 WATCH VIDEO
15-min HIIT Kettlebell Routine: Breathing Fire WATCH VIDEO
Extreme Kettlebell Cardio Series
5-Minute Ab Workout: The Ab Blaster

Not Ready to Lift Weights? Here are some alternatives:
Walking – One of the most simple forms of exercise, and one of the ones we were actually meant to do as humans. My favorite time to do it is in a fasted state first thing in the morning.
Biking – Long rides with the wife or commuting to and from work (6 miles each way). Easy way to get the blood flowing and save some money on gas!
Foam Rolling – Amazing way to improve flexibility, mobility, and enhance recovery. Myofascial release, self-massage. Invest in a foam roller if you don’t have one. You won’t regret it!
Body Weight Exercise – You don’t have to spend an hour in the gym moving heavy weight in order to exercise. Squats, Push-Ups, Pull-Ups, Burpees, Jumping Jacks. The possibilities are endless. No matter where you are or what time it is, you can always stop what you’re doing and move your body. When I need a quick break or boost of energy, I’ll do a brief set of body weight movements in order to loosen up, stimulate blood flow, and burn some calories. It’s amazing how much better you feel after even just a couple minutes of movement.
Abs – I usually do these first thing in the morning or on lunch breaks. Always outside in the sun if I can help it. There are several bodyweight routines I follow, including UFC Fit, P90X, and Keith Weber’s kettlebell abs. Never more than 10-20 minutes.
Stretching – Same approach as abs. 10-20 minute routines, always separated from my weight lifting workouts. I love doing these while watching a show or listening to a podcast or audiobook. These are great post workout once your body is already warmed up.
HIIT Cardio Workouts – One of the most effective forms of cardio. Essentially, it’s short bursts of all out intensity cardio followed by short rest periods. For example, 1 minute of stationary biking as fast as you can go, followed by one minute of rest, then repeat the cycle for the duration of the workout. Personally, I do 1-3 HIIT sessions per week depending on my goals. 20-30 minute HIIT routines are the perfect length for fitness. Here are my favorite methods of HIIT training:
- Kettle Bells – Highly functional, portable, and they will kick your butt! I love these because you can get a full body, intense workout done very quickly no matter where you are. I love doing these workouts outside in the sun or preferably on a beach (maybe some day).
- UFC Fit – Full-body intensity training is their motto. These workouts are really intense and utilize dumbbells for some moderate resistance. This is an excellent form of HIIT training.
- Stationary Biking – I do this at the gym, and usually perform a 1 minute on, 1 minute off routine for 20-30mins.
- Running – I love a good run, but just make sure you’re adequately warmed up. I pulled something doing my high intensity sprints once before and it turned me off of running for quite some time. Be careful!
Here’s a playlist of all the workout videos I currently have on YouTube. Any requests, please
contact me!
Wes Fit HIIT #1 - 30 Minute Full Body HIIT Cardio Workout ADVANCED - Inspired by UFC Fit 30 Min
Audio Only:
Welcome to the Wes Fit HIIT workout series. This is a full body, high intensity workout that will improve strength, stamina, and cardiovascular endurance. It is very challenging but it’s going to make you feel AMAZING.
Equipment needed: Workout mat and 1-2 sets of dumbbells.
If you’re looking to build muscle, burn body fat, and transform your body, this is the workout for you! We’re also improving mobility, endurance, stamina, and actively recovering.
HIIT workouts like this, in combination with a consistent weight training regimen, are what every human needs to achieve their best body ever and peak health. I used to be 90lbs overweight and addicted to junk food, drugs, and alcohol, so it’s my mission to share my story and inspire others to make wise choices in their own lives. If I can turn my life around, you can too! If you’d like to know more, check out
This workout is inspired by UFC Fit, the exercise program that got me to fall in love with fitness. Big shout out to my coach, Mike Dolce, for his constant motivation through the years. 10 years ago, his program taught me discipline, consistency and hard work. The workouts made me feel incredible, got me in awesome shape, and now I want to pass that gift onto others with the Wes Fit series.
I suggest watching the video ahead of time to get familiar with the exercises, so you know what to expect. If there’s a movement you can’t do, don’t worry, it’s ok to modify. Do your best and move on – but don’t give up! Your goal should be to complete this work out all the way through, because every able-bodied human should be able to do this routine.
The audio only version is available in the Wise Eats podcast feed on iTunes or wherever you listen to podcasts. If you enjoy the workout, please like, subscribe, comment, and leave a review in iTunes!
This workout is about 30 minutes total. We’re doing 3 rounds, 4 exercises per round, each repeated twice. We end the workout with a 60-second finisher and a cooldown to stretch and recover. Feel free to pace yourself and take extra breaks as needed, you’re gonna need them!
Warm-Up – 30 Seconds Each
1) Squat Hooks
2) Lunge Backs to Plank
3) Alternating Hip Dips
4) Push-Up w/ Sideways Plank
5) Wide Leg Burpees
6) Side to Side Toe Touches
Round 1 – 4 Exercises, Repeated Twice
1) Multi-Directional Push-Ups
2) Squat/Arnold Press
3) Shot Blocks
4) Front Kick/Rear Elbow
Round 2
1) Dumbbell Push-Up w/ Tricep Kickback
2) Sumo Squat w/ Upright Row
3) Mule Kicks
4) Punch Punch Elbow Elbow
Round 3
1) Thrust with Chest Fly
2) Forward Lunge w/ Tricep Kickback
3) Plank Moguls
4) Muay Thai Combo (Punches & Knees)
Finisher – 60 Second Strike & Sprawl
Cool Down – 15-30 seconds per pose
1) Standing Reach-Ups
2) Reaching Floor Sweeps
3) Hip Flexor Stretch w/ Reach Up & Tricep
4) Cobra Stretch
5) Child’s Pose
If you completed this workout, let me know in the comments! I designed this workout myself and created the video from scratch, so I’d love to know your thoughts!
This is the first of four videos in this series. I also have more workout videos and a fitness entertainment podcast over at Thanks for being here with me today and I hope you love this workout! Take care, have a great day, and make wise choices.
HIIT #1 Track List (YouTube Audio Library)
Tied Up – Silent Partner
Jon’s on Fire – Silent Partner
Jack’s Garage – Midnight North
Donors – Letter Box
Black Vulture – Silent Partner
Good for Nothing Safety – Twin Musicom
Time Piece – Silent Partner
Duck in the Alley - TrackTribe
Target Practice – Riot
Sun Spots – Silent Partner
Loitering – Riot
Stomp It Away – Silent Partner
Micro Fire – Silent Partner
Impala Returns – Hanu Dixit
Get Tough - TrackTribe
Work Week - Topher Mohr and Alex Elena
Reckless Shred - Biz Baz Studio
DC Love Go Go – Silent Partner
Hitting the Streets – JR Tundra
Fire Breather – Silent Partner
Rock Tune – Audionautix
Heading West – Audionautix
The Pull Up Test – Fitness CHALLENGE for Upper Body Strength & Endurance! (
How many sets did it take YOU to hit your target number of pull-ups? Let me know in the comments!
Back in 2009, I was 90lbs overweight and couldn’t do a single pull-up. Over time, I was able to build my strength, lower my body weight, and now pull-ups are one of my favorite exercises!
What’s up wise guys and gals? Today, we’re doing the pull-up test. This is a fitness assessment you can use to measure your upper body strength and endurance and it’s perfect because pull-ups are one of the most simple and effective exercises to transform your fitness.
This test can be done no matter what your current level of fitness is. Your score is based on the number of sets required to achieve your target number of pull-ups. To determine how many pull-ups you need to perform for this challenge, first you need to know how many pull-ups you can get in a single max set:
• 1-3 Pull-Ups in a Single Max Set: 15-Rep Challenge
• 4-8 Pull-Ups in a Single Max Set: 30-Rep Challenge
• 9-14 Pull-Ups in a Single Max Set: 40-Rep Challenge
• 15+ Pull-Ups in a Single Max Set: 50-Rep Challenge
In my case, I already know that I can get about 10 pull-ups in my best set, so I need to perform 40 pull-ups for this challenge. My score is the number of sets it takes me to get 40 pull-ups.
Rest time in between sets should be equal to your partner’s or no more than 30 seconds if performing individually. As you can see, I rested a little bit more than 30 seconds in between each set, but I did my best!
Form must be perfect. Fully extend your arms at the bottom and get your chin over the bar every time. Partial reps do not count!
Also, if you struggle to do pull-ups currently, I feel your pain. Just keep gaining strength with alternative exercises like lateral pull-downs, assisted pull-ups, or other back exercises, and you’ll have enough strength to start doing pull-ups in no time!
For more details and information about this challenge, go to There, you’ll also find more great fitness assessments.
My Score: It took me 7 sets to reach my goal of 40 reps, which is considered Elite. How many total sets did it take to hit your target pull-up number? Let me know in the YouTube comments.
• 5 or less sets: Super Fit
• 6-8 sets: Elite
• 9-11 sets: Pro
• 12-15 sets: Amateur
• More than 15 sets: Time to Wise Up!
If you like the video, please click thumbs up and subscribe to the channel, as I’m always posting new videos and try to keep them as entertaining and informative as possible!
Once you’ve completed the challenge, strike a pose for a job well done, and try to score even better next time. Until then, thanks for watching, have a great day, and make wise choices.
If you enjoyed this fitness assessment, you might enjoy one of the other ones I have over at
• 15-Minute Walk/Run Test:
• 1.5 Mile Walk/Run Test:
• 12-Minute Walk/Run Test:
• 1 Mile Walk/Run Test:
• 3-Minute Step Test:
• The Push-Up Test:
• The Bench Press Test:
Please Note:
- Consult with your doctor before engaging in physical activity such as this fitness test
Another note: I discovered this test on the Athlean-X YouTube channel, which you can check out here: Jeff Cavaliere’s Pull-Up Challenge.
#33: The Ab Shredder: 15-Minute Core & Ab Workout + 5-Minute Mobility (Home Workout)
This is a workout I have loved for years and wanted to share because it’s highly effective, equipment-free, and can be done anywhere, which many people are needing right now in these crazy times.
I never thought I would have six-pack abs, but this workout along with proper diet and weightlifting helped me get there!
In addition to the 15-minute ab routine, there is a 5-minute bonus mobility, stretching, and flexibility drill at the end. If done all the way through, it takes about 20 minutes total and is very challenging. I performed this workout nonstop all the way through for the purposes of the video shoot, so you will see me struggling on many of these exercises!
For a full write-up on this workout, including additional exercise tips, head over to
Please click thumbs up and subscribe! 🙂
Exercise List
Perform Each Movement for 25 Repetitions
1) Seated Leg Extensions (00:40)
2) Bicycles Forward (1:20)
3) Bicycles Reverse (1:45)
4) Wrapping Crunches (2:25)
5) Reaching Sit Ups (3:10)
6) Ab Switches (5:00)
7) Hip Thrusts (6:30)
8) Reverse Crunches (8:00)
9) Roll-Up/V-Up Combo (10:50)
10) Oblique V-Up Right Side (11:00)
11) Oblique V-Up Left Side (11:45)
12) Leg Climbs (12 Reps per Side) (12:40)
13) Russian Twists (30-50 Reps) (14:20)
Cool Down & Mobility
1) Upward Dog (15-30 Seconds) (15:35)
2) Child’s Pose (15-30 Seconds) (16:10)
3) Upward Dog (15 Seconds) (16:30)
4) Lizard with Rotation (15-30 Seconds) (16:50)
5) Pigeon Pose (15-30 Seconds) (17:50)
6) 90-90 (15-30 Seconds) (19:20)
Exercise Form Tips
• Don’t forget to breathe and take breaks if needed!
• Seated Leg Extensions – Rest your hands on the floor for support or raise them in the air if you’re more advanced.
• Bicycles – Keep your chest up and make big circles with your legs. Support with your hands on the floor or raise them in the air for advanced!
• Wrapping Crunches – Arms spread wide, wrap tight and open. Flex your feet and extend legs straight out, flexing those quads.
• Reaching Sit Ups – I always do wide leg. Sit cross-leg style if you want more challenge. Stare straight up and don’t tuck your chin. This is a long one so be sure to keep going.
• Ab Switches – This is the hardest move in my opinion. Always a challenge. This is slow paced, so don’t get ahead of the count. Fight to keep your legs straight. Heels up!
• Hip Thrusts – Use your core – not momentum – to power your legs skyward. Tighten your core and use it to kick those feet high in the air.
• Tailbone Thrusts – Legs straight, heels in the air, pulse straight up in the air, get some elevation, and flex that booty!
• Roll-Up/V-Up Combo – Hands point up to the ceiling. Keep the legs as straight as possible. As your lower back reaches the floor you come up for a good crunch or “pulse up”.
• Oblique V-Ups Each Side – Keep your legs straight. Keep feet from touching the floor and do a solid crunch at the top. Do these with intensity and get your elbow to your thigh if you can!
• Leg Climbs – There are multiple variations – One grab, two grabs, no grabs. I usually do multiple grabs because it feels most natural. Plus, at this point, I’m exhausted and just want to get up my leg as quickly as possible!
• Russian Twists – If you’re a beginner, the goal is 30 reps, but we count up to 50 in the video. Hang in there and do as many as you can. I can usually get 30-40 without stopping. Do as many as YOU can and get better every time! And if you’re some kind of superman or woman that can do more than 50, keep it going until you can’t go anymore. And leave a comment down below on YouTube or email me at because I love meeting superheroes.
If this workout is beyond your skill level, you can cut the reps in half and do 10-15 reps per exercise instead or modify the movements to your capability. Better to do some of it than nothing at all! Just get better every single time. Usually, I do the entire routine, but some days, I’ll just pick a few of the movements and do those on their own. Or, I’ll do one half of the workout today and the rest tomorrow. Do as much as you can handle and GO FOR IT!
This is one of the workouts that originally got me to fall in love with exercise back in 2009. At that time, I was 90lbs overweight and extremely unhealthy. The truth is, this ab routine is great, but if you really want to make progress, you need to focus on your diet and living a healthy lifestyle overall. Once you start to make healthy diet choices, exercise regularly, and reduce your overall body fat, those abs will be popping in no time! And this workout will definitely help.
For more on my transformation story, head over to
Enjoy the workout, have a great day, and make wise choices!
Disclaimer: I did not personally design this workout. It is a very popular, mainstream routine that I have enjoyed for years and wanted to share because it’s been very effective for me in developing great abs!
1.5 Mile Walk/Run Test - Fitness Assessment for Cardiorespiratory Fitness CRF (
What’s up wise guys and gals? Today, we’re doing the 1.5 Mile Walk/Run Test. This helps measure your cardiovascular endurance. After you’ve properly warmed up, start a timer and run or walk 1.5 miles. Your goal is to cover the distance in the fastest time possible.
My time on this particular run was 11:01 with a V02 Max of 46.56, which is considered excellent for my age category, but there’s always room for improvement!
When you’re ready to step up your cardio game, this is the perfect fitness assessment to track your progress, and it can be done virtually anywhere – on a track, treadmill, or right outside your home.
Estimate your V02 Max and compare results at, and try to improve your score each time out.
For more videos, go to Don’t forget to subscribe and click thumbs up.
1. Use a track or treadmill.
2. Perform a minimum 3-minute warm-up, walking at a moderate pace.
3. At the test onset, begin timing.
4. The goal is to cover the 1.5 miles as quickly as possible.
5. Increase or decrease speed on the treadmill, as necessary.
6. Don’t forget to breathe!
7. Stop the timer as soon as 1.5 miles is reached.
8. Record your time as a baseline. If you cannot complete the 1.5 miles, record your distance when you stop.
9. Estimate your V02 max with the following formula:
a. 88.02 + (3.716 * gender) - (0.0753 * body weight in pounds) - (2.767 * time for 1.5 miles in minutes and fractions of minutes)
b. Where gender = 1 for males and 0 for females.
10. Alternatively, you can use a V02 Max calculator at one of these third-party sites:
11. If you’re not thrilled with the idea of going 1.5 miles, you can also take the 12-Min Walk/Run Test.
For more fitness assessments, go to
To stay plugged into all things Wise Eats, join our free mailing list at
Thanks for watching, have a great day, and make wise choices!
1 Mile Walk or Run Test - Fitness Assessment for Cardiorespiratory Fitness CRF (
What’s up wise guys and gals? Today, we’re doing the 1 Mile Walk/Run Test. This helps measure your cardiovascular endurance. This can be done virtually anywhere!
After you’ve properly warmed up, start a timer and walk or run for 1 mile. Your goal is to complete the mile in the fastest time. If you want to improve your cardio, the 1 mile run is a great way to track your progress.
I was able to complete the distance in 7:34 seconds! Do your best and try to improve your score each time.
To stay plugged into all things Wise Eats, join our free mailing list at
For more videos, check out Thanks for watching, have a great day, and make wise choices!
1. Use a track or treadmill.
2. The goal is to complete 1 mile in the fastest time.
3. Allow at least 3-minute warm-up, walking at a moderate pace.
4. At the test onset, begin timing.
5. Increase or decrease speed on the treadmill, as necessary.
6. Don’t forget to breathe!
7. Record your time and try to improve it each time out!
For more fitness assessments, go to
To stay plugged into all things Wise Eats, join our free mailing list at
Thanks for watching/reading and make wise choices!
12 Minute Walk or Run Test - Fitness Assessment for Cardiorespiratory Fitness CRF (
What’s up wise guys and gals? Today, we’re doing the 12 Minute Walk or Run Test. This helps measure your cardiovascular endurance.
After you’ve properly warmed up, start a timer and run or walk for 12 minutes. The goal is to cover as much distance as possible in 12 minutes. Your score can be used estimate your V02 Max.
I was able to go 1.52 miles with a V02 Max of 43.38, which is considered excellent for my age group…yay me! Get your score and compare results at, and try to get a little bit better each time.
For more videos, check out Thanks for watching, have a great day, and make wise choices!
1. Use a track or treadmill.
2. Perform a 3-minute warm-up, walking at a moderate pace.
3. At the test onset, begin timing.
4. The goal is to cover as much distance as possible in 12 minutes.
5. Increase or decrease speed on the treadmill, as necessary.
6. Don’t forget to breathe!
7. Record the distance covered at 12 minutes.
8. To estimate VO2 Max, which is a measure of oxygen consumption, use the following formula: 35.97 x Miles -11.29.
9. Try to improve your score each time out!
10. Norms chart for comparison is available at
For more fitness assessments, go to
To stay plugged into all things Wise Eats, join our free mailing list at
Thanks for watching/reading and make wise choices!
15 Minute Walk or Run Test - Fitness Assessment for Cardiorespiratory Fitness CRF (
What’s up wise guys and gals? Today, we’re doing the 15-Minute Walk or Run Test. This helps measure your cardiovascular endurance. After you’ve properly warmed up, start a timer and run or walk for 15 minutes. The goal is to cover as much distance as possible in 15 minutes. Your score is used estimate V02 Max, which is a measure of oxygen consumption, and can be compared among similar gender and age groups.
I was able to go 2.05 miles with a V02 Max of 47.75, which is considered excellent for my age group, but there’s always room for improvement! Get your score and compare results at, and try to get a little bit better each time.
For more videos, check out Thanks for watching, have a great day, and make wise choices!
1. Use a track or treadmill.
2. Perform a minimum 3-minute warm-up, walking at a moderate pace.
3. At the test onset, begin timing.
4. The goal is to cover as much distance as possible in 15 minutes.
5. Increase or decrease speed on the treadmill, as necessary.
6. Don’t forget to breathe!
7. Record the distance covered at 15 minutes.
8. To estimated VO2 Max, which is a measure of oxygen consumption, use either one of the following formulas:
o ((Miles Ran x 1.60934) x 12.5)) + 6.5
o (12.5 x Kilometers Ran) + 6.5
9. My estimated VO2 Max would be 47.75, which is considered excellent for men of my age.
10. Norms chart for comparison is available at
For more fitness assessments, go to
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The YMCA Bench Press Test - Fitness Assessment for Upper Body Strength & Endurance (
- Compare your score with the norms chart here:
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What’s up, wise guys and gals? Today, we’re doing a fitness assessment known as the YMCA Bench Press Test. It is used to measure upper body strength and endurance.
The goal is to perform as many clean repetitions of the bench press as you can to a metronome set at 60 beats per minute. Once you’re no long able to stay on beat, the test is over.
Use a 35lb barbell for women and an 80lb barbell for men. Finding a 35lb barbell may be a bit difficult. Personally, I would either use an EZ bar or just use a 45lb barbell. You must use either 35lbs or 80lbs in order to compare with the norms chart, however.
Make sure you have a spotter for safety, unlike I did in the video. Safety first!
Begin in the down position with the bar touching the chest and hands gripped at shoulder width
On beat one, fully extend the elbows to the up position. On beat two, lower the barbell until it touches the chest.
Stop the test once you can no longer stay on beat with good form.
I ended up with 49 reps which is considered “excellent”. See how many you can do and then compare your score with the norms chart, which is available at
If you like this video, please click thumbs up and subscribe. And for more great content, check out Thanks for watching, have a great day, and make wise choices!
Please Note:
- Consult with your doctor before engaging in physical activity such as this fitness test
- Fixed loads may be too heavy for older or deconditioned individuals to lift repeatedly
- This test is meant for use by people who have experience lifting weights
The 3 Minute Step Test - Fitness Assessment for Cardiorespiratory Fitness CRF (
3-Minute Step Test
What’s up, wise guys and gals? Today, we’re doing a fitness assessment known as the 3-Minute Step Test. Its purpose is to assess cardiorespiratory fitness.
First, we need to find a safe bench set at 12-inches high. This is the standard height for assessing and comparing your score to the norms chart (available at
Next, set a metronome to 96 beats per minute.
Start the test by stepping up onto the bench in an up-up-down-down sequence. Left, right, left right.
The lead foot may be switch at any time during the test.
Stepping must be in sync with the metronome, one step for each beat.
Step for a full 3 minutes.
Be sure to practice good form:
o Keep head up, shoulders back
o Place entire foot on the step
o Fully extend knees at the top
o Step down close to the step
o Don’t forget to breathe
At the end of the 3 minutes, sit down and monitor your pulse for one full minute. This gives us the recovery heart rate, which shows us how quickly the heart rate returns to resting. You can compare your score to the step test norm chart over at This is to serve as a starting point and you can improve from there.
My score was 86, which puts me into the “good” category. Time for me to wise up and get my cardio-respiratory fitness into the excellent category!
Note: Another heart rate measure you can take for this exercise is called the post exercise heart rate. This tells you at what heart rate you were exercising. After 3 minutes of stepping, take the pulse for 10 seconds and multiple by six.
If you like this video, please click thumbs up and subscribe. And for more great content, check out Thanks for watching, have a great day, and make wise choices!
The Push Up Test - Fitness Assessment for Upper Body Strength & Endurance (
- Compare your score with the norms chart here:
- Check out my fitness/comedy podcast over at
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What’s up, wise guys and gals? Today, we’re doing a simple fitness assessment known as the Push-Up Test. Its purpose is to measure upper body strength and endurance.
The goal is to complete as many full range of motion push-ups as possible. Once your form begins to break down, the test is over.
Begin in the “up” position, hands shoulder width, back straight, head up, using toes as the pivot point for men or knees as the pivot point for women (This can be modified but if you do you will not be able to compare to the norms chart).
Lower the body until the chin (but not the stomach) touches the floor.
Exhale on the way up, inhale on the way down.
Your score is based on the number of max repetitions you get without rest.
Terminate the test when you can no longer perform another “clean” rep with good form.
My score in the video was 27, which puts me in the “very good” category. Normally, when I do push-ups, I can get closer to 40-50, but when your focusing on perfect form and full range of motion, push-ups get to be much more challenging!
See where you rank by using the norms chart available at This is just to evaluate your current level of upper body strength. Take the test again in the future and see how much progress you’ve made!
If you enjoyed this video, please click thumbs up and subscribe to my channel. I post fitness content, podcasts, and other hilarity all the time.
Have a great day and make wise choices!
Please Note:
- Consult with your doctor before engaging in physical activity such as this fitness test
Song used: Search and Rescue by Dan Lebowitz
The Ab Blaster: 5-Minute Core Routine / Ab Workout / Kettlebell Core Workout / Five Minute Abs
Here is a 5-minute ab/core routine. It was inspired by Keith Weber’s Extreme Kettlebell series, but can also be done with a dumbbell. I love this workout because it can be done pretty much anytime, anywhere for a quick ab blast and energy boost. Perform it once or repeat several times throughout the day. Use weight suitable for your skill level and progress to heavier weight as you become stronger with proper form. I usually alternate anywhere from 25-45lbs.
Core workouts are perfect for active recovery. I usually keep them separate from my other workouts. I’ll do them first thing in the morning or throughout the day on my rest days. If you want to lift weights and do abs together, I recommend you do abs at the end of your workout, after the heavy lifting is all done.
Here is the routine:
10 Pull-Overs
10 Leg Lifts
20 Russian Twists
10 L-Ups
10 Weighted Crunches
10 Elbow Out Crunches
10 Bicycles
20 Mountain Climbers
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Wise Eats Workout – Active Recovery: Foam Rolling 2 (Wise Lifts - Self-Massage, Myofascial Release)
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Here is the foam rolling I do throughout the week, anywhere from 3-5 days per week. Foam rolling is an excellent way to improve mobility, flexibility, reduce soreness, prevent injury, and improve circulation. I usually do it at home while watching TV or listening to a podcast. I’ll also do it on my lunch break at work to get a break from sitting. It’s an essential tool for any home gym!
When/where do you like to foam roll? Leave a comment below! for more workout routines and videos!
This routine will loosen those tight hamstrings, quads, calves, back, shoulders, and triceps. It’s basically a full body massage you can do on your own!
When I’m not foam rolling or stretching, I’m lifting weights, walking, bicycling, resting, or doing some HIIT cardio with kettlebells or some other type of full body routines. Find something YOU love to do and stick with it! Subscribe to my channel so you never miss any of the workout videos I’ll be releasing.
Wise Eats Workout – Active Recovery: Foam Rolling (Wise Lifts - Self-Massage, Myofascial Release)
100% FREE content to improve your health and fitness over at
Find out how I lost 90lbs back in 2009 over at
Read exactly how I recently lost 15.9lbs over at
See a full list of approved foods, beverages, and supplements for getting lean and feeling great at
Here is the foam rolling I do throughout the week, anywhere from 3-5 days per week. Foam rolling is an excellent way to improve mobility, flexibility, reduce soreness, prevent injury, and improve circulation. I usually do it at home while watching TV or listening to a podcast. I’ll also do it on my lunch break at work to get a break from sitting. It’s an essential tool for any home gym!
When/where do you like to foam roll? Leave a comment below!
Be sure to check out the rest of the videos in this series. I recommend a 5-day per week weight lifting program you can follow whether you’re a beginner or intermediate weight lifter. Just make sure you start with light enough weight to allow for proper form while challenging yourself. If you only have 2, 3 or 4 days per week to exercise, that’s fine, just combine some of the exercises and make sure you’re hitting those big movements: Squat, Deadlift, and Bench Press. I follow the 5-day because I just love it. The key is to track your performance workout to workout and see progress over time. If you’re getting consistently stronger with good form, that means your diet, training, and rest are pretty much on point.
This routine will loosen those tight hamstrings, quads, calves, back, shoulders, and triceps. It’s basically a full body massage you can do on your own!
When I’m not foam rolling or stretching, I’m lifting weights, walking, bicycling, resting, or doing some HIIT cardio with kettlebells or some other type of full body routines. Find something YOU love to do and stick with it! Subscribe to my channel so you never miss any of the workout videos I’ll be releasing.
Wise Eats Workout – Wednesday: Shoulders (Wise Lifts Weight Lifting Exercise Routine)
100% FREE content to improve your health and fitness over at
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Read exactly how I recently lost 15.9lbs over at
See a full list of approved foods, beverages, and supplements for getting lean and feeling great at
Here are the recommended rep schemes and the weights/reps I performed during the filming of this video. You will need to start with much less weight if you’re a beginner!!
Wednesday – Shoulders
Warm-Up: Shoulder Press
75lbs 1 x 12 Reps
75lbs 1 x 10 Reps
115lbs 1 x 4 Reps
135lbs 1 x 1 Rep
Shoulder Press (3 Sets x 4-6 Reps) 150lb – 5,4,4
Lateral Raise (3 Sets x 4-6 Reps) 30lb – 9,7,7
Seated Rear Delt Raise (3 Sets x 4-6 Reps) 35lb – 7,7,7
Dumbbell Shoulder Press (3 Sets x 10-12 Reps) Optional 50lb – 6,5,5
Alternating Front Raise (3 Sets x 10-12 Reps) Optional 35lb – 16,12,14
This is the shoulder workout I’m doing in my current 5-day weight lifting program. It’s based on Mike Matthews’ Bigger Leaner Stronger, which focuses on compound weight lifting for lower reps. Every workout I record my reps and try to beat my previous performance. More weight on the bar or more reps with the same weight. By consistently making progress, you will continue to improve your body composition and improve strength.
I love weight lifting workouts so much because they’re actually pretty laid back. Push yourself as hard as you can for each set, then take 2-3 mins to rest and recover in between. During that time, I’ll read, write, do some homework, or listen to a podcast. Working out is never a chore when you’re doing something that motivates you and makes you feel great.
Be sure to check out the rest of the videos in this series. I recommend a 5-day per week weight lifting program you can follow whether you’re a beginner or intermediate weight lifter. Just make sure you start with light enough weight to allow for proper form while challenging yourself. If you only have 2, 3 or 4 days per week to exercise, that’s fine, just combine some of the exercises and make sure you’re hitting those big movements: Squat, Deadlift, Bench Press, and Overhead Shoulder Press. I follow the 5-day because I love it. The key is to track your performance each workout and see progress over time. If you’re getting consistently stronger with good form, that means your diet, training, and rest are pretty much on point.
When I’m not lifting weights, I’m walking, bicycling, foam rolling, resting, or doing some HIIT cardio with kettlebells or some other type of full body routines. Find something YOU love to do and stick with it!
Wise Eats Workout – Thursday: Legs (Wise Lifts Weight Lifting Exercise Routine)
100% FREE content to improve your health and fitness over at
Find out how I lost 90lbs back in 2009 over at
Read exactly how I recently lost 15.9lbs over at
See a full list of approved foods, beverages, and supplements for getting lean and feeling great at
Here are the recommended rep schemes and the weights/reps I performed during the filming of this video. You will need to start with much less weight if you’re a beginner!!
Thursday – Legs
Warm-Up: Barbell Squat
135lbs 1 x 12 Reps
135lbs 1 x 10 Reps
205lbs 1 x 4 Reps
245lbs 1 x 1 Rep
Barbell Squat (3 Sets x 4-6 Reps) 265lb – 5,5,5
Barbell Lunge (3 Sets x 4-6 Reps) 155lb – 8,7,7
Front Squat (3 Sets x 4-6 Reps) 55lb – 6,7,8
Squat Rack Calf Raises (3 Sets x 10-12 Reps 295lb – 26,31,30
This is the leg workout I’m doing in my current 5-day weight lifting program. It’s based on Mike Matthews’ Bigger Leaner Stronger, which focuses on compound weight lifting for lower reps. Every workout I record my reps and try to beat my previous performance. More weight on the bar or more reps with the same weight. By consistently making progress, you will continue to improve your body composition and improve strength.
I love weight lifting workouts so much because they’re actually pretty laid back. Push yourself as hard as you can for each set, then take 2-3 mins to rest and recover in between. During that time, I’ll read, write, do some homework, or listen to a podcast. Working out is never a chore when you’re doing something that motivates you and makes you feel great.
Be sure to check out the rest of the videos in this series. I recommend a 5-day per week weight lifting program you can follow whether you’re a beginner or intermediate weight lifter. Just make sure you start with light enough weight to allow for proper form while challenging yourself. If you only have 2, 3 or 4 days per week to exercise, that’s fine, just combine some of the exercises and make sure you’re hitting those big movements: Squat, Deadlift, Bench Press, and Overhead Shoulder Press. I follow the 5-day because I love it. The key is to track your performance each workout and see progress over time. If you’re getting consistently stronger with good form, that means your diet, training, and rest are pretty much on point.
When I’m not lifting weights, I’m walking, bicycling, foam rolling, resting, or doing some HIIT cardio with kettlebells or some other type of full body routines. Find something YOU love to do and stick with it!
Wise Eats Workout – Tuesday: Back - Wise Lifts (Weight Lifting Exercise Routine)
100% FREE content to improve your health and fitness over at
Find out how I lost 90lbs back in 2009 over at
Read exactly how I recently lost 15.9lbs over at
See a full list of approved foods, beverages, and supplements for getting lean and feeling great at
Here are the recommended rep schemes and the weights/reps I performed during the filming of this video. You will need to start with much less weight if you’re a beginner!!
Tuesday – Back
Warm-Up: Barbell Deadlift
185lbs 1 x 12 Reps
185lbs 1 x 10 Reps
275lbs 1 x 4 Reps
345lbs 1 x 1 Rep
Barbell Deadlift (3 Sets x 4-6 Reps) 370lb – 5,5,4
One Arm Row (3 Sets x 4-6 Reps) 125lb – 6,6,6
Lateral Pull-Down (3 Sets x 4-6 Reps) 180lb – 7,6,6
Seated Cable Row (3 Sets x 4-6 Reps) Optional 65lb – 5,6,5
Leg Press Calf Raises (3 Sets x 10-12 Reps) 195lb – 25,20,19
Seated Calf Raises (3 Sets x 10-12 Reps) 285lb – 12,15,9
Barbell Shoulder Shrugs (2 Sets x 8-10 Reps) Optional 285lb – 12,15,9
This is the back workout I’m doing in my current 5-day weight lifting program. It’s based on Mike Matthews’ Bigger Leaner Stronger, which focuses on compound weight lifting for lower reps. Every workout I record my reps and try to beat my previous performance. More weight on the bar or more reps with the same weight. By consistently making progress, you will continue to improve your body composition and improve strength. Deadlifts are one of the very best exercises you can do. They work your entire body. It’s a very technical move so get some practice with lighter weight before you start lifting heavy. When you do a heavy deadlift with proper form and really push yourself, it’s one of the best exercise highs you’ll ever have! My form wasn’t the greatest in this video. 370lbs was the heaviest I’ve ever deadlifted as of the recording, so I did my best!
I love weight lifting workouts so much because they’re actually pretty laid back. Push yourself as hard as you can for each set, then take 2-3 mins to rest and recover in between. During that time, I’ll read, write, do some homework, or listen to a podcast. Working out is never a chore when you’re doing something that motivates you and makes you feel great.
Be sure to check out the rest of the videos in this series. I recommend a 5-day per week weight lifting program you can follow whether you’re a beginner or intermediate weight lifter. Just make sure you start with light enough weight to allow for proper form while challenging yourself. If you only have 2, 3 or 4 days per week to exercise, that’s fine, just combine some of the exercises and make sure you’re hitting those big movements: Squat, Deadlift, Bench Press, and Overhead Shoulder Press. I follow the 5-day because I love it. The key is to track your performance each workout and see progress over time. If you’re getting consistently stronger with good form, that means your diet, training, and rest are pretty much on point.
When I’m not lifting weights, I’m walking, bicycling, foam rolling, resting, or doing some HIIT cardio with kettlebells or some other type of full body routines. Find something YOU love to do and stick with it!
Wise Eats Workout Program: Monday - Chest (Weight Lifting Exercise Routine)
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Read exactly how I recently lost 15.9lbs over at
See a full list of approved foods, beverages, and supplements for getting lean and feeling great at
Here is the chest workout I’m doing in my current 5-day weight lifting program. It’s based on Mike Matthews’ Bigger Leaner Stronger, which focuses on compound weight lifting for lower reps. Every workout, I record my reps and try to beat my previous performance. More weight on the bar, or more reps with the same weight. By consistently making progress, you will continue to improve your body composition and improve strength. I love these workouts so much because they’re actually pretty laid back. Push yourself as hard as you can for each set, then take 2-3 mins to rest in between. During that time, I’ll read, write, do some homework, some core exercises, or listen to a podcast. Working out is never a chore when you’re doing something that motivates you and makes you feel great.
Be sure to check out the other videos in this series. It’s a 5-day per week lifting program you can follow whether you’re a beginner or intermediate weight lifter. Just make sure you start with light enough weight to allow for proper form while challenging yourself. If you only have 2, 3 or 4 days per week to exercise, that’s fine, just combine some of the exercises and make sure you’re hitting those big movements: Squat, Deadlift, and Bench Press. I follow the 5-day because I just love it. The key is to track your performance workout to workout and see progress over time. If you’re getting consistently stronger with good form, that means your diet, training, and rest are pretty much on point.
Monday is one of my favorite days: Chest. The perfect routine to get you in the workout groove, especially if you were naughty over the weekend! Get your butt in gear today because the hardest workouts of the week are yet to come. Here are the recommended rep schemes and the weights/reps I performed during the filming of this video. You will need to start with much less weight if you’re a beginner!! Note: I split this workout between my garage and Planet because I don’t have the ability to do face pulls in the garage. Substitute exercises on those for which you don’t have equipment. If you need suggestions, please comment below and I will respond!
Monday – Chest
Warm-Up: Incline Dumbbell Chest Press
40lbs 1 x 12 Reps
40lbs 1 x 10 Reps
60lbs 1 x 4 Reps
70lbs 1 x 1 Rep
Incline Dumbbell Chest Press (3 Sets x 4-6 Reps) 80lb – 6,6,7
Flat Barbell Bench Press (3 Sets x 4-6 Reps) 210lb – 7,5,5
Flat Dumbbell Bench Press (3 Sets x 4-6 Reps) 85lb - 5,5,5
Face Pulls (3 Sets x 8-10 Reps) 65lb – 12,11,10
Ab Rope Pull Downs (3 Sets x 8-10 Reps) 95lb – 12,11,10
When I’m not lifting weights, I’m walking, bicycling, foam rolling, resting, or doing some HIIT cardio with kettlebells or some other type of full body routines. Find something YOU love to do and stick with it!
Wise Eats Workout Program: Friday - Chest & Arms (Weight Lifting Exercise Routine)
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Read exactly how I recently lost 15.9lbs over at
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This is the exact workout I’ve done pretty much every Friday afternoon while I’ve been doing this most recent weight lifting program. It’s based on Mike Matthews’ Bigger Leaner Stronger, which focuses on compound weight lifting for lower reps. In this particular workout, I was a little higher rep, so I will increase my weight on the next workout so I can continue to make progress. That’s the power of tracking.
This is a 5-day per week lifting program you can follow whether you’re a beginner or intermediate weight lifter. Just make sure you start with light enough weight to allow for proper form while challenging yourself. There are 3-day and 4-day per week versions, also, but I follow the 5-day because I just love it. The key is to track your performance workout to workout and see progress over time. If you’re getting consistently stronger with good form, that means your diet, training, and rest are pretty much on point.
Friday is the fun part of the routine: Chest and Arms. Squats and deadlifts are out of the way for the week, so it’s time to focus on the glamorous biceps and triceps, with a little bit of chest thrown in because it’s fun and feels great. Here are the recommended rep schemes and the weights/reps I performed during the filming of this video. You will need to start with much less weight if you’re a beginner!!
Friday – Chest & Arms
Warm-Up: Incline Dumbbell Chest Press
35lbs 1 x 12 Reps
35lbs 1 x 10 Reps
45lbs 1 x 4 Reps
55lbs 1 x 1 Rep
Incline Dumbbell Chest Press (3 Sets x 8-10 Reps) 65lb – 10,10,11
Alternating Dumbbell Curl (3 Sets x 4-6 Reps) 35lb – 10,9,8
Close Grip Bench Press (3 Sets x 4-6 Reps) 185lb – 7,7,6
EZ Bar/Barbell Bicep Curl (3 Sets x 4-6 Reps) 66lb – 7,9,9
Lying Triceps Press (3 Sets x 4-6 Reps) 66lb – 7,7,7
When I’m not lifting weights, I’m walking, bicycling, foam rolling, resting, or doing some HIIT cardio with kettlebells or some other type of full body routines. Find something YOU love to do and stick with it!
Wise Eats Workout Program: Saturday - Breathing Fire: 15-Minute Kettlebell HIIT Routine #1
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Here’s the breakdown of this routine:
20 Swings. 20 Goblet Squats (1min Rest)
20 Squat Press (1min Rest)
20 Swing, Catch, Squat, Press (1min Rest)
1-Arm Thrusters (10 Each Side) (1min Rest)
Clean and Press (10 Each Side) (1min Rest)
1-Arm Swing (15 Each Side) (1min Rest)
20 Swing, Catch, Squat, Press (Done!)
20-30 minute HIIT routines are the perfect length for fitness, but I know YouTube Nation’s got stuff to do, so I made this one a little bit shorter. You can always double up on sets to make it longer. If this routine doesn’t get you huffing and puffing, you’re not using a heavy enough kettlebell!! When I first began using kettlebells, I started out with 25lbs. In this video, I used a 45lb.
HIIT workouts are one of the most effective forms of cardio, and kettlebells are my favorite way to get the job done. Personally, I do 1-3 HIIT sessions per week combined with a lot of low-intensity cardio like walking and biking.
I first started using kettlebells with Keith Weber’s Extreme Kettlebell series. This workout is inspired by his work. This is the first of what I hope to be several HIIT kettlebell routines. Subscribe and turn on notifications so you don’t miss any of the new stuff!
Be sure to check out my other workout videos. I lift weights 5 days per week. Aside from that, I’m walking, bicycling, foam rolling, resting, or doing some HIIT kettlebell workouts like the one in this video! Find something YOU love to do and stick with it! Thanks for watching, reading, and subscribing! Make Wise Choices.